
Wild music from the heart of Poland!

Traditional, grounded music with an archaic and a modern, even vanguard sound at the same time – is it possible?

Proof is supplied by the new album of the Janusz Prusinowski trio (a quintet of course): Wild, shrill, polyrhythmic, unheard tones in times of musical randomness, melodies swinging round in circles and appearing to be in league with the devil.

Who would have thought that in the middle of Europe music is made that can't deny its consanguinity with the age-old trance music styles from Africa and Asia? What we hear is disturbing, maddish dance music, contemplative, reposing, dignified at the same time.

Being more than Polish folk music this album manages to keep a hard-line traditional style while sounding open and progressive. This way, regional music can send out rays, become global und universal. “Knee-deep in Heaven” - what a fitting and meaningful name for this album.


1. Po Kolana w niebie (Knee-deep in Heaven) 3:03

2. Mazurek Ciarkowskiego (Ciarkowski's Mazurek) 2:39

3. Wyrywasy Marysi (Maria's Dance Songs) 1:06
4. Równy Kretowicza (Kretowicz's Równy) 2:48
5. Oj, taradom 0:40
6. Król i Królowa (King and Queen) 6:31
7. Mazurek pod sciana (Mazurek by the Wall) 3:53
8. Za las, chlopcy (Go Acreoss the Woods, Boys) 3:43
9. Mazurek o milosci (Mazurek about Love) 5:50
10. Owczarek Kubiaka (Kubiak's Owczarek) 3:55

11. Moja piesn (My Song) 8:09
12. Mazurek na Piechote (Mazurek on Foot) 3:58
13. Persyjan 3:00
14. Lubelski z Kolberga (Lubelski from Kolberg's) 2:02

15. Musialas ty, dziewcze, co umiec (You Must Have Known Something, Girl) 3:34

16. Koziolek 2:27
17. Polka ZZ 2:24
18. Mazurek "Skarga" (Mazurek "Complaint") 4:36

Total time 64:10


Janusz Prusinowski - vocals, fiddle, Polish accordion, dulcimer

Michal Zak - wooden flutes, shawm, clarinet

Piotr Piszczatowski - tambourine, baraban drum, 2nd fiddle

Piotr Zgorzelski - bass, double bass, tenor horn

Szczepan Pospieszalski - trumpet



Maria siwiec - vocals


(c) 2013 Sluchaj Uchem

Released: 20.10.2013




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